Innovating Real Estate Money Transfers in Washington20210422090055

Innovating Real Estate Money Transfers in Washington

Christina ChanApril 22, 2021Blog, Press0 comments
Innovating Real Estate Money Transfers in is thrilled to announce our latest partnership with Capital Title of Washington to bri...
Tech for Real Estate Agents20210415155522

Tech for Real Estate Agents

Caitlin RuttenApril 15, 2021Blog0 comments
Technology today offers a multitude of useful tools for businesses in all industries that serve to facilitate daily processes and improve productivity...
6 Signs of a Secure Payment Platform20210407173720

6 Signs of a Secure Payment Platform

Christina ChanApril 7, 2021Blog0 comments
If you’re a real estate professional and you haven’t yet offered your clients the means to pay earnest money deposits and closing costs via a secure p...
How to Create a Home Closing Experience for Millennials20210406162955

How to Create a Home Closing Experience for Millennials

Christina ChanApril 6, 2021Blog0 comments
If you’re in the real estate business and you’re not trying to appeal to millennials right now, you’re missing out. That’s because millennials are cur...
Is Bitcoin the Future of Digital Payments?20210401172124

Is Bitcoin the Future of Digital Payments?

Caitlin RuttenApril 1, 2021Blog0 comments
No matter what industry you’re in, you likely rely on the internet now more than ever before. Even businesses that were slow to embrace technology hav...
How to Report Real Estate Fraud20210401170323

How to Report Real Estate Fraud

Christina ChanApril 1, 2021Blog0 comments
Real estate fraud comes in many forms, from Financial Institution Fraud (FIF) to Mortgage Fraud (a subset of FIF) and real estate scams themselves, pe...
Industry Trends for Title Companies20210324181641

Industry Trends for Title Companies

Caitlin RuttenMarch 24, 2021Blog0 comments
A lot has changed in the last year, especially when it comes to the home buying process. Seemingly safe habits you had a few years ago—like going to a...
How to Find Mortgage Information on a Property20210324152101

How to Find Mortgage Information on a Property

Christina ChanMarch 24, 2021Blog0 comments
Before you walk into any real estate transaction, you should always aim to gain as much information as possible regarding the property. A lien search,...
5 Ways to Reduce Waste in the Real Estate Industry20210315185405

5 Ways to Reduce Waste in the Real Estate Industry

Christina ChanMarch 15, 2021Blog0 comments
Like many other industries, the real estate industry also suffers from an immense amount of waste. But when you think of waste, what comes to mind? Al...
Why Digital Payment is Better Than Cash20210304181526

Why Digital Payment is Better Than Cash

Caitlin RuttenMarch 4, 2021Blog0 comments
The ability to pay digitally has become more important than ever, as it benefits both businesses and consumers in many ways. In fact, in 2018, the Fed...