5 Ways to Reduce Waste in the Real Estate Industry20210315185405
5 Ways to Reduce Waste in the Real Estate Industry
Like many other industries, the real estate industry also suffers from an immense amount of waste. But when you think of waste, what comes to mind? Al...
How to Recover Money from Wire Fraud20210312223548
How to Recover Money from Wire Fraud
Your heart drops. A sinking feeling begins in your stomach. You think you've just been the victim of wire fraud, but how can you recover money from wi...
Why Digital Payment is Better Than Cash20210304181526
Why Digital Payment is Better Than Cash
The ability to pay digitally has become more important than ever, as it benefits both businesses and consumers in many ways. In fact, in 2018, the Fed...
7 Technologies That Are Helping Real Estate Agents Close More Deals20210304180513
7 Technologies That Are Helping Real Estate Agents Close More Deals
Standing out as a real estate agent is getting increasingly harder. These technologies for real estate agents won't just help you with stronger brandi...
Paymints.io – 2021 HW Tech 10020210301195424
Paymints.io – 2021 HW Tech 100
Paymints allows title companies and real estate companies to securely and digitally accept earnest money deposits and cash to close for refinances fro...
Who Investigates Wire Fraud?20210226172742
Who Investigates Wire Fraud?
Wire fraud is certainly not a new crime, but incidences of wire fraud have been growing exponentially over the last few years, especially in the real ...
How to Look Up Real Estate Transactions20210219171358
How to Look Up Real Estate Transactions
As a real estate professional, you are often tasked with discovering information about a particular house or piece of property. Obviously, knowing eve...
7 Signs of a Good Real Estate Transaction Coordinator20210217221642
7 Signs of a Good Real Estate Transaction Coordinator
A transaction coordinator's role is focused on handling the administrative tasks that accompany a real estate deal, thereby helping to keep agents org...
What is Constructive Fraud in Real Estate?20210217201642
What is Constructive Fraud in Real Estate?
Any time there’s a lot of money involved in a transaction, there’s a risk of fraud. So it stands to reason that fraud is a major issue that affects th...
3 Challenges Facing Title Companies Today20210212222227
3 Challenges Facing Title Companies Today
Home buyers, mortgage lenders, and real estate agents often remain in continuous contact with one another throughout the course of a real estate trans...